Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Nerd Talk : Time Paradox

So.. like new part of my blog? Nerd talk? kk. I ramble on about time paradox, feynman points, the meaning of life (42) and other random stuff that you could care less about. Anyway... without further ado.....
Nerd Talk No. #1 : Time Paradox
So.. Y'know how I am very much obsessed with supernatural, well... in one of the episodes called 'Crossroad blues' a guy goes to the crossroads demon and asks to be the best blues player ever and dies 10 years later.. anyway.. I was thinking about it.. what if he could tell the future (not that I think that's possible...)  but if he could and if looked at when he was going to die and saw when he was going to die when would he die? Would he die in 10 years or would he die when he's 27 or a different age? Yet.. if he saw that he was going to die in 10 years, would he do the deal considering that when he was going to live to was so short he should take the deal? But.. if he decided that because he thought that he wasn't going to live much longer, that's not true because he never found out because he always thought he was going to take the deal.. but what if he didn't think so in the first place? What if he thought he wasn't going to take the deal and it said he was going to die say.. in say.. 11 years? 1 more year than 10 so he would probably take the deal.. but that would mean he hadn't seen the actual future. So that whole possibility couldn't have happened - unless he saw an older age like 67 but... it's his choice.. which means he would see 10 years but what if he doesn't want to make the deal? The future wouldn't show? But it has to show. And if the future can't change when you see it. THIS IS TIME PARADOX. It's infinity. It's impossible. It's nothing. But it has to be something. It's... complicated.
First we have the Novikov self-consistency principle. The Novikov self-consistency principle expresses a view on how backwards time travel could be possible without any time paradoxes - I entirely agree on this proposal. If you were to travel back in time nothing would change. The future would stay the same because at the moment we are in the future not the present so if you go back in time and change something it will be exactly how it is now because whatever has been changed has already happened.
Next is the Parallel universe/Alternate timeline theory. People say there could be a "ensemble of parallel universes" say a time traveller kills his grandfather and the event took place in (or resulted in the creation of) a parallel universe in which the traveler's grandfather is alive and well. I don't believe in this. There is only one time line and that is this one.
I think it's proven that no one has invented time travel :( If they had they would have travelled back to tell us... unless they are going to travel back in time which is the future for us and the past for them... Or they are worried that if they travel back in time it will rip apart the space time continuum or result being stuck in a endless loop of time paradox.

~mac only
1 - open photo booth
2 - plug in your web cam
3 - face the webcam at the computer and click the take photo button
4 - you will end up with a blue tunnel of screens which goes on for infinity resulting in time paradox.

Now you probably didn't get any of that but I did XDD have fun defying the laws of physics with photo booth. ;)