Friday, November 26, 2010

Ukelele at Mountsmart Stadium

Sup guys! ^ ^
Just got back from the NZ Kiwilele Ukelele Festival.. Well actually I got back and hour ago but anyway.. (I've been practicing guitar for that other hour XD) That's like.. 8 hours of instrumental practice in one day!!! I feel kinda tired lol XD Anyways.. Mount Smart stadium looks so different with a stage and heaps of stalls and picnic blankets on it! I didn't even realize it was Mt Smart until I was up in the stands! XD I got there at 11:30 when Mrs Kearney got there and got the blanket out and stuff then dad went to get an umbrella and we sat around talking for a bit. Me and Helena talked about stuff and y'know.. talked.. and played uke... and talked some more.. and got an INSANELY EXPENSIVE ($3.00) icecream.. and ate 2 chips... and listened to other schools play the winning songs... and then went up to play our song. And yeah.. On Friday we had our last ukelele practice and I really wanted to go in the front cause you know me XD and anyway Mrs Kearney said one girl couldn't go to the performance and that they needed someone to replace her to sing into the mic and she asked if anyone wanted to and no one put their hand up - And I didn't put my hand up! Why on earth didn't I put my hand up! After that Mrs Kearney chose... wait for it.. Omea?! Anyway.. for the rest of lunch I moaned to Helena about it and then y'know pulled myself together (but not like that time with Jessica *shudder* she's never gonna let me forget about that..) So we went on stage and I was in the back row and then magically there was a spare mic for no particular reason and ...... and ... AAAANNNNDDDDD.... Mrs Kearney asked if anyone knew the words without a sheet and I put my hand up!! :D And I got to sing into the mic and play ukelele with heaps of people watching! And I'm super happy now :) I just got kinda lucky :P oh.. and btw for some reason Omea didn't sing in the front... Dunn Dunnnnnnnn.... After that we like... went onto the stands for the kiwilele concert where we played all the songs out of our book - by then only a few people where left cause Helena left straight after we sang 'Another Story' along with a bunch of other people. I sat next to holly and we waited for ages, the concert was running a whole hour late so it was boring - and then I got really thirsty, and in the distance I could see Izzy starting to eat my chips... And I think Holly freaked out for a sec when I broke my lei LOL When we had finally finished all the songs everybody had left except me, this other girl I don't know the name of.. and omea. Seriously, everybody left, the concert had been on for ages though, but why would you practice so hard on it if you weren't going to do the actual performance? Anyway, Mrs Kearney let me keep the lei! Horrah! I can do.. lei-ish stuff! Yeah.. my victory prize.. A string of plastic flowers even though I already broke the other one... XDD I also have this random badge that says 'I played with the ukes'. It's strange cause for some reason there's this group of people I classify as south aucklanders which all talk like niah and are black (I'm not racist! seriously! I'm just saying...) and are really annoying.. always beat boxing and stuff.. urrgh.. there was a group of them next to us along with the dilworth boys who were dressed in their P.E. gear.. with different colours ^ ^ just like vas! Darnit.. I wish it was like that at R.I. then I could have a special colour and every time it was pe I could wear a coloured hair ribbon.. unless I got blue or red.. that would suck.. I want yellow! So yeah... That's what I did all day.. Also...
I'm going to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Movie Part 1 with Jessica tomorroooowww!!!!!!!!
^ ^ yaaayyy!!!!