Friday, November 26, 2010

Working on Aurora and stuffz

My supernatural roleplay character Aurora - pretty much working on her ;)

1. What is your character's name?
Aurora Kathrin Stewart
2. What is your character's name in another language?
Dawn (in latin)
3. How old is he/she?
4. What is your character's race/species?
Human O__o
5. Do they have a crush?
Maybe... a little... on sammay XDD not right now though
6. Do they have many friends?
urm... Jessica, Sam and Dean?
7. What planet is your character from?
8. Does your character like to eat?
Like everyone.. especially candy :P
9. What's his/her favourite food?
Sugar mice?
10. What's his/her favourite drink?
11. Is your character annoying?
Only to Jessica XDD
13. Is your character loved?
Urm.. not particularly?
14. Is your character hated?
Vice versa?
15. Is she/he emo/goth?
LOL no
16. Is she/he straight, bisexual, or gay?
straight 8U
17. Is she/he a virgin?
18. Name 3 hobbies...
Urm.. Monster hunting
Annoying Jessica
19. Is your character normal?
Yeah.. pretty much except for that she's obsessed with math - who likes math and is normal?!
20. Is your character attractive?
yeah ;)
21. How does your character handle emotions?
Aurora is emotionally stable... except for when Jessica was possessed and Aurora got so pissed she punched her...
22. Does your character have other forms?
23. Does your character overreact?
Yeah, but now seriously.. just fooling around
24. Is your character a criminal?
She stole a library book because she was caught in the restricted section of the library and there were police helicopters and police cars.. long story short her criminal record says, "stole book" but y'know she would have a much larger record from impersonating so many different police officers and reporters but they never get caught XDD
25. Does your character go to school?
26. What's his/her IQ?
I have no idea?
27. Does your character have a disease/curse?
No Aurora isn't cursed... unless she's cursed with 'be annoying to Jessica syndrome'
28. Is your character dead?
No? What is this? I don't even...?
29. Does your character have a family?
30. Has he/she encountered any tragic times in life?
31. What's the best time in your character's life?
32. If you could name 1 friend, which would you relate to your character?
33. Is your character single?
34. Has he/she developed any relationships?
35. Does he/she have an element?
36. Do you role-play your character?
Yes. DUH.

37. Do you write about your character?
Yes. DUH. that's how you roleplay - I dunno if I'll do a fic - maybay l8er...
38. Does your character have a bad temper at times?
only when Jess is mean
39. Does your character get depressed
40. What's your characters favourite animal?
41. Does your character have any fears?
Pretty much anything that can kill you which is an animal?
42. Does your character have any weaknesses?
Not really
43. Does your character look up to anyone?
44. Does your character like music?
Well yeah.. who doesn't?
45. What's your character's favourites type of music?
Urghggh... pop music
46. Is he/she impatient?
47. What's something funny about your character?
She always seems to get in a whole bunch of trouble without trying
48. Name 5 nicknames
((BUT HE DOESN'T HAVE ANY NICKNAMES?!)) urm.. Aura, Rora, Assbutt XDD, Stewart, Miss Stewart ((teacher rp XD))
49. Does your character curse?
50. This test is over, what does your character have to say?
OKAY - that was seriously 50 questions?

DIFFERENT QUIZ - will probably repeat some things soz

1) What gender are you?

2) What is your age?

3) Do you want a hug?
Urm.. I luv hugs!! :3

4) Do you have any bad habits?

5) What is your favorite food?
Sugar mice

6) What is your favorite ice-cream flavor?
Banana and chocolate chip

7) Are you a virgin?

8) Have you killed anyone?
Only monsters/ghosts and stuff

9) Do you hate anyone?

10) Do you have any secrets?

11) What is your favorite season?
Spring - so many cute fuzzy animals!

12) Who is your best friend(s)?
Sam, Dean and Jessica

13) What are your hobbies?
Math, Monster hunting and Annoying Jessica :D

14) What is your favorite drink?
Urm... Lemonade?

15) When is your birthday?
February 17

16) What age did you die?
I haven't died yet D:

17) Are you nice or mean?
Niiicccceeeeee! DUH! 

Now shuddup 8U

18) Are you social or shy?

19) What do you think of your parents?
Not around them anymore but they're.. parents...

20) What's your weakness?
Nothing? I have no weakness.. dunn dunnnn... I dunno.. emotional stuff - I don't like dramatic things D:

21) How long can you stay under water?
I dunno? Like I would know?

22) What do you do on a regular daily basis?
Monster hunting

23) Do you love someone?
My friends? I'm single at the moment..

24) When was the last time you wet your self.

25) What's your favorite band(s)?
Haven't heard much music lately - not up to date anyway

26) Ever worn a dress?

27) Willingly?

28) What do you consider fun in the day-time?
Fun? I don't do much fun stuff.. except.. it's fun hunting monsters I guess.. and math is fun to

29) At night?

30) Ever kissed anyone?

31) ...Of the same gender?

32) If you could have any super power, what would it be?

Mind reading :3

33) What's you're favorite thing to touch?

What is this? I don't even?!

34) Anyone loves you?
Nope... well.. y'know.. friends and parent I guess?

35) What's your favorite colour(s)?
Pink, Yellow, Green

36) When was the last time you cried?
I think... when I got crushed by that pillar.. ouchie D:

37) Do you have a pet?

38) What did you name your pet?
I named it untitled 8U

39) Are you crazy?
No... *retarded laugh*

40) What are you?

41) What's your nickname?
Rora? Aurora isn't really a nick-namish name I guess..

42) Do you consider yourself a happy or a down person?

43) If you were a superhero, you'll be...?

44) Favorite movie?
You don't get to watch movies when you're undercover :(

45) What is your current occupation?

Monster hunter...