Sunday, December 5, 2010

December calendar!

Merry christmas guys! It's that time of the month again and I just made my blog.. available to all readers ^ ^ Anyways.. I hope you guys are reading this cause really.. most of the time I'm just blogging to myself XD okay...

Art And Architecture Month (woohoo! come on everyone on art month! get in tha spirit!)
Bingo's Birthday Month (uhh..)
National Closed Caption TV Month (actually something useful.. look at spongebob on nickeodeon at the moment!)
Hi Neighbor Month (hey neighbours! hows it going! "stop looking over mah fence" 8U)
National Stress Free Family Holiday Month (This ones for you jessica XD)
Read a new book month (I want new books... *sigh*)
Safe toy and Gift Month (toys!! wait.. safe? . . . TOYS!!!)
Universal Human Rights Month (I have the right for you to give me a wacom tablet...)
Write to a Friend Month (dear jessica... hi! I wonder if you're reading this.. hmm.. hi!!)
National Drunk & Drugged Driving Awareness Month (... :O)
Made In America Month (pfft.. where's made in nz month?)
Colorectal Cancer Education and Awareness Month (canncceerrr.. O__o)
Cooked Grasshoppers Month (ew..)
International Calendar Awareness Month (Yeah! see! I'm supporting calendars by doing this calendar! join me! :D)
Merry Merchants Month (no. just... no.)
Most Fun Month (F is for friends who do stuff together, U is for u and me!!! N is for Nywhere at anytime at all! Here in the deep blue sea!)
Poor Looking Winter Month (it's summer here... :/)
Universal Human Rights Month (I already put this stupid computer... why are you so interested in that one? do u want the computers to take over the world or something??)
Identity Theft Prevention and Awareness Month (*james bond theme music*)
Learn A Foreign Language Month (kombanua! hasimehmashdei! watashi wa gemma desu!)
National Sign Up for Summer Camp Month (my mum wouldnt let me :()
National Write A Business Plan Month (business plan... uhh..)
National Tie Month (tieees!!!!!11!!!!one!!)
Spiritual Literacy Month (what is this..? I don't even..?)

Christmas Tree Week - Week One
Cookie Cutter Week - Week One
National Aplastic Anemia Awareness Week - Week OneRecipe Greetings For The Holidays Week - Week OneTolerance Week - Week One
Human Rights Week - Week Two
National Hand Washing Awareness Week - Week Two
International Language Week- Week Two
Tell Someone They're Doing a Good Job Week - Week Three
"It's About Time!" Week- Week Four

1- National Pie Day - I missed it!! Noooo!
1- Eat a Red Apple Day - nomnomnom..
1- World AIDS Awareness day - ew... aids awareness... um.. yeah.. I support.. those.. guys.. :/
1- Rosa Parks Day - you do gurl!
1- Phony Smile Day - *cheesy grin*
1- Christmas Club Birthday - whut? :v
1- Christmas Lights Day - what kind of day is that?
2- Business of Popping Corn Day - see! this is a proper day..
2- Charles Dickens in America Day - why is it all about america?? D':
2- Special Education Day - I'm not 'specially retarded..'
2- Glacier Bay National Park Birthday 1980 - boring....
2- Have-a-Heart Day - I already have one... :3
2- I Dream of Jeannie Wedding Day 1969 - Woohoo! Luv that show...
2- Play Basketball Day - SPORT. ick.
2- National Fritters Day - fritters!!!
3- Let's Hug Day - *huggie!*
3- Neon Lighting Birthday 1910 - uh..
3- Telescope Birthday 1621 - uh.. X2
3- National Roof-Over-Your-Head Day - uh.. X3
3- International Day of the Disabled Person - lol grammar mistake.. well..
4- National Cookie Day - ME WANT COoOo00Ookie!!!!!!!!!!
4- Wear Brown Shoes Day - I don't have any brown shoes :(
4- Day of the Artisans (Honors all workers) W00p W00p
4- Manila Paper Birthday 1845 - borring
4- National Grange Birthday 1867 - borringggggg.. X2
4- National Dice Day - snake eyes!
4- Ribbons and Wrap Day - presents!
5- Bath Tub Party Day - ew.. you sickos!
5- Bicycle Riding Day - just riding mah bike...
5- Special Kids Day - stop saying 'special' okay?! I'm not retarded!
5- Folding Theater Chair Birthday 1854 - LOL happy birthday theater chairs!
5- National Communicate with Your Baby Day - bowchickawowow! That's what mah babay said! mowmowmow! And mah heart starts pumpin' ! chickachikachuwa! never gonna stop! gitchachitchagu means that I luv u!
5- International Volunteer Day - *yawn*
5- Play Hookey Day - :/
5- Walt Disney's Birthday - yaaayyy!~ mickey mouse!
6- Make and Bake Day - make and bake and take and shake a rake in an earthquake eating steak which is opaque for goodness sake thats fake steak you should eat cake and wake up jake!
6- Miners' Day - poor miners in chilli an pike river :(
6- National Gazpacho Day - gazpacho?
6- St. Nicholas Day - hohoho (rapist santa is coming 4 ur sooulll)
6- Mitten Tree Day - mitten tree?
7- Pear Harbor Day - chachaaa
7- National Cotton Candy Day - yummeh :3
7- Apollo 17 Anniversary 1972 - ptttouww!
7- Marshmallow Peeps Day (Trademark registered 1982) - marshmellow peeps? ROFL
7- International Civil Aviation Day - boring.. again...
7- Microwave Oven Birthday 1942 - happy birthday microwave :3
7- National Fire Safety Day 1979 - stop, drop rollover.. get low, get down, get out!
7- Pearl Harbor Day 1941 - vfsgdzncsvdsfj u already told me that
7- Instant Replay Day 1963 - *copy**paste*vfsgdzncsvdsfj u already told me that
8- Bad Hair Day - It's so frizzeh!
8- National Brownie Day - like.. brownies and in girl guide or brownies as in.. brownies.. what ever.. I think it means the delicious treat..
8- Winter Flowers Day -IT'S SUMM3R!!! RA3G.
9- National Pastry Day - pasttterryy :3
9- Ball-Bearing Roller Skates Patented In 1884. - okay..
9- National Childrens' Memorial Day - minutes silence...
9- First Christmas Seals Issued- In 1907 CHRISTMAS HAD BEEN SEALED
9- National Pastry Day - SERIOUSLY. YOU ALREADY TOLD ME...
10- Mighty Mouse's Birthday - mighty moussee!
10- Human right's Day - Anniversary of the UN Declaration of Human rights in 1948 - we have the right to be human!
10- Nobel Peace Prize Awarded Each year - I WANT ONE.
10- Emily Dickinson's Birthday Born in 1830 Who...?
10- Dewey Decimal Day - ROCKIT DEWEY!
11- Color Movies Birthday 1909 - colourful movies ftw XDD
11- Jack Frost Day 1998 - OMG - *rainbow magic flashback* XD
11- National Knitters Day - *click**click*
11- Hanukkah Begins at Sundown - what is hanukkah anyway.. *googles*
11- National Noodle Ring Day - noodlez!
11- International Mountain Day - mountainez!
11- UNICEF Anniversary - unicefez!
12- Poinsettia Day - what one earth is a poinsettia?
12- Golf Tee Birthday 1899 - you gotta be kidding me..
12- Gingerbread House Day - gingy!
12- National Ding-A-Ling Day - national ----- day!?
12- National Ambrosia Day - ambrosia!
13- Clip-on Tie's Birthday 1928 - it's so clippy!
13- Savings Bank Day 1816 First US Bank Philadelphia Savings Fund Society I'm saving in mah money box.. and it's taking 4 ever..
13- Little Yule (Festival of Lights) - sounds perty..
13- Fishing Hatching Steamer Birthday 1879 - weird..
13- National Cocoa Day - cocoa! :3 yummehhhh
14- First Miniature Golf Course Opened In 1929. - let's celebrate mini golf!!
14- American Revolution Birthday 1774 The first military operation of the American Revolution took place at Portsmouth, New Hampshire. - moar america..
14- Buy a Christmas Tree Day - I already have one.. one of those fake trees though.. I like realy ones caue they smell nice :3
14- NASCAR Birthday 1947 - nascar?? what?
14- South Pole Discovered 1911 - THE POLE. IT IS... SOUTH!
15- Underdog Day - *moar spy music*
15- Bill of Rights adopted 1791 - everythings so borring
15- Thomas Edison Receives Patent on Phonograph 1877 - borring
15- National Lemon Cupcake Day - now thats what im talking about!
15- National Firefighters Day - meh..
15- Sleep Comfort Day - relaxation! :D
16- Los Posada- a Christmas tradition in Mexico. - okay..
16- National Chocolate Covered Anything Day - wooho!! yesh! that is my day!!!
16- Clean Air Day - *deep breath*
16- Boston Tea Party Anniversary (1773) - *clink*
16- Beethoven's Birthday  - happy b'day beethoven (or beat-huven 4 jessica XDD)
17- Cookie Cutter Day - :/
17- Little Bird's B'day (sesame street)  - i though it was big bird..
17- Wright Brother's Day First Flight 1903 - I believe I can fly!!
17- National Maple Syrup Day - with the canadian coffee and maple syrup.. *inside joke*
18- Find a Friend, Be a Friend Day - friends4eva dude
18- Mother Goose Day 1719 Thomas Fleet of Boston, Massachusetts, published his mother-in-law's tales in the book, Mother Goose - you mean the nursery ehymes with the dark meanings? yeah.. those 1s..
18- Wear a Plunger On Your Head Day - WHAT IS THIS..? I DON'T EVEN..?
18- Play Bingo Day - BINGOOO!!!!!
19- Believe It or Not Day 1918 First believe it or not cartoon - believe it or not I'''mm walking on air!!!
19- Underdog Day (3rd Friday of the month) YOU TOLD ME.19- Can't Get Up Day (Commercial first ran in 1985) - that's my everyday..
19- Oatmeal Muffin Day -ew..
20- Sacagawea Day - whats that...?
20- Games Day - gaammmes!!
21- Humbug Day - bah humbug..
21- Look at the Bright Side Day - *super cheesy grin*
21- Crossword Puzzle's Birthday - dude! hey! help with with 4 across!
21- National Flashlight Day - boring..
21- Forefathers' Day - boring..
21- Pilgrims land at Plymouth Rock (1620) boring..
22- California Kiwifruit Day - kiwifruit is newzealand!!! DUH. our symbol it the kiwi!!!
22- First Christmas lights for sale in 1882 - woah...
22- World Peace Day - peace out dudez
22- National Haiku Poetry Day - haaiiikuuu..
22- Thermometer Was Invented - thermometers...
22- National Date-Nut Bread Day - nnutttss..
23- Roots Day - rooottss...
23- Economists Day - economists...
24- Christmas Eve - SANATATATTATATTTTTAAAAAA!!!!!11!!1!!1!!!!one!!!!!!
24- Sneak-A-Peek Day - *peers at christmas presents* .. I wonder i I could pick at the edge of the wrapping and then tape it back..
24- National Egg Nog Day - egg nog... I'd rather have hot chocolate
25- Dick Tracy's Wedding Day 1950 - boring?
25- Nativity Scene Birthday 1225 - kay..
25- National Pumpkin Pie Day - LOL pumpkin pie...
26- Kwanzaa Begins (till 1/1/10) - kwanzaa?
26- National Whiners Day - uuhhh.. this is such a borring holliiday.. uhuhuhuhhhhh... *whine*
26- Recyclable Packaging Day - reduce! reuse! recycle!
26- National Candy Cane Day - yummmy!
26- Awful Tie Day - okay... lots of tie holidays...
26- Boxing Day- celebrated in Britain, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada. boxing...
27- Howdy Doody's Birthday 1947 - howdy...? uhh.. nvm...
27- Visit the Zoo Day - nah...
27- National Fruitcake Day - fruitcake! :3
28- National Quilter's Day - quilting!
28- No Interruptio- OMG!!! LUV THIS DAY!!!!
28- Eat Vegetarian Day - ewww.. no.. XDD
28- Card Playing Day - go fish!
28- National Chocolate Day - chocolate.. :3
29- Opposite Day - what a stupid holiday...
29- Bowling Ball invented (1862) - mah fingars!!! they're stuck in tha holes!!!
30- Let's Make a Deal Day First aired 1964 - I'll give you my ABC gum 4 ur ipad? hmm?
31- Make Up Your Mind Day - make up your mind!!! GIVE ME DA PAD.
31- New Years eve - omgg!!!
31- You're All Done Day - I'm all done with the year? D': I mean.. yay!!!

That is all... MERYY XMAS!!!