Thursday, July 29, 2010

My C.L.A.S.S. (crazy, laid back, attention seeking, strange, students)

List of everyone in our class and what I think of them...
"this should be interesting"
(If I've forgotten anyone it's probably because they're so invisible I don't even remember they're there...)
RaNdOm OrDeR

He gets in trouble all the time, really annoying, has been to Mr. Crumptons office at least 3 times, I DON'T LIKE THIS PERSON VERY MUCH 8U

He's okay sometimes but he can be pretty annoying but not as annoying as before... Now that he has his precious origami hobby...

He's been away for so long I actually forgot he was in our class... Well... at least until Jessica pointed out that the giant shadow of him wasn't blocking the sun...

MAJOR prep... And I'm not even one of those emo people and I think so...
1. Blonde hair
2. Always wears make up
3. Brings her cell phone to school always
4. Over use of words "like" and "totally" aswell as "omg"
5. Her accent is the accent

Exchange student from Korea who can speak English fluently. She's pretty much good at everything... Soloist in more that 3 songs in choir, top math scores in class, really good at drawing, plays an instrument. 8U poohy... I wanna be good at lots of stuff...

Jessica G.:
Asian... Very VERY tall (taller than my mum) Is only just older than me (approximately 10 days) except she acts like she's way older than me and is always patting me on the head and squeezing my cheeks (OUCHIE!!!)

He thinks he's cool but he really isn't. He always tries really hard in hip hop classes except ends up looking constipated and when he jump he looks like he's humping the air... (He's one of those guys who sings micheal jackson songs like beat it and also justin beiber at drama group auditions...)

I could swear Scott and Keryl were twins! I really could! ... except Scott's heads a smidgen smaller and he's tanned...

...Looks like Scott... except not tanned... He's pretty much average...

She doesn't really talk much in class and she's always hanging out with nora... Because of her culture or something she has to go to this other teacher person each week on thursday to do quizzes... the teacher says that it has to do with statistics on tests or something...

By now I've pretty much unveiled that she is a compulsive lier... Just by that fact that she's said to me stuff like that her mum has had a gun to her head twice, her dad almost killed, her mums house it haunted, her grandma has cancer, she's been lost before, the first words she spoke were Zulu and HEAPS of other stuff... But she can be fun to talk with aswell as a bit annoying at sometimes...

She has a twin called Nadine who's in another class, Nadine is the girly one and Nora is the tom boy, she's always a bit rough and has a loud laugh except she's nice because she voted for me for my class captain speech (so did symantha)

She's a kinda tom boy but she's awesome, the guys in our class have nicknamed her "boy-basher" cause she's always playing jokes on them.

She's friends with everyone which is cool and she is pretty much normal... finally! Another normal person!

One of the goody goody's in my class, she always hangs out with Holly for everything she does and she's a top student at lots of things (but not as much as Holly.....)

The HUGEST goody goody on the WHOLE PLANET. Holly - blonde hair - glasses - freckles - is good at.... top maths group, soloist in choir, top at sports, first place in cross country every time she runs, top reading group, top spelling group, top writing group,  has got more that 2 awards at R.I. already... Did I mention she also plays an instrument?

One of my BF's =w= Always drawing and not really concentrating on her work, obsessed with ultimo (manga about robots) and (deeevvviiiaaannntttaarttt owo) says my work is good no matter how fail.

Also one of my BF's. Is funny and cool sometimes but she has annoying mood swings heaps... Pretty much a short temper... She's obsessed with Death Note (best frikkin' anime evar!) and Mystery stories and has a phobia of people throwing up and a phobia of death. (I'm scared of death but I'm not as scared of puke as she does...)

Cooper is a show of know-it-all guy version except he's not that smart, he's kinda like Jessica G. cause he's taller than everyone but he doesn't pat heads or anything...

Pronounced Alvin (and the chipmunks!) He doesn't do much except he's funny, he thinks I'm some kinda retard and is always hanging out with Adam.

Adam is sort of the limelight sorta guy. He's shorter than most people in our class and has braces. He was the star of our play for the camp concert (pretty much the only humorous guy) and is currently away from school because of a stomach bug (he threw up in class and Jessica escaped the room by taking the last corridor pass and going to the bathroom and staying there for a while - and I was stuck inside with no pass!!!)

Girly girl, is annoying sometimes, tries to be cool. EVERYONE IN MY CLASS HAS TO CUT HER SOME SLACK!

He's pretty much only known for his math skills...

Top in the class for maths and sits next to me. Is a kinda nerd but not really... I'm more nerdy tan him anyway... Except I didn't join chess club... He also does Mathex...

He's just plain GROSS. He spends his whole life picking his nose or licking his hands and putting them in front of people and saying "the force" (I think he has a sort of problem cause he does it a recess to his friends as well...)

She's been in my class last year and now that I think of it is a kinda prep... She has long blonde hair (it goes down to her butt if she unties it), always looks like she's got lip gloss on (but she hasn't) she used to dot her eyes with hearts and she writes in her school books with a different coloured pen every day, she's also a cheerleader. Gimme a B, Gimme a L, Gimme a O, Gimme a G, Gimme a G, Gimme a E, Gimme a R, Gimme a "spacebar!!!!", Gimme a R, Gimme a O, Gimme a C, Gimme a K, Gimme a S, WHAT'S THAT SPELL?! "BLOGGER"SPACEBAR"ROCKS!"

Isabelle Haines:
She's never in class and when she is she's just sitting around having freckles. She's also a cheerleader and  for some reason even though she is I find it hard to believe...

Baaaccckkkground character... He is one of those people obsessed with math and he always plays handball and morning tea and lunchtimes along with a bunch of other people in our class (including Lily, Helena, Jessica G. and Christopher)

She's a tom boy... I don' know much about her though... (except for the fact that she got really mad when Jessica accidentally dropped her socks in the toilet when it was flushing and she had to put her hand in and pick it up - and Jessica's a hygiene freak even! ... hand-sanitiser and all...)

Chang Ho:
The new exchange student who we only met on Monday. He can't speak English and he has a translator (which is the same shape at my nintendo ds game console...) And when he tries to copy words from people he gets them really wrong, like when he tried to say "Helena" he said "Hallelujah" and the whole of my table burst into fits of laughter, he also has the same last name as Christopher.

I think that's everyone... I THINK.... I'm soo hungry right now.... I've probably forgotten like 12 but yeah... that's my class...