Friday, July 30, 2010


Don't ask about the title... I have no idea why they called it that.. But it's pretty much an online abstract art creator. At first it's kinda random and you don't really know how to use it but I've found out that if you move your mouse closer to the drawing circles they get bigger and if you move your mouse further away they're smaller... Sorry I'm kinda blogging strangely, it's just that I can't really concentrate on blogging cause my pinky finger is stinging cause I almost chewed the whole nail off in drama auditions and now it's infected but I haven't told anyone... 8U. Jessica told me about it, she's done some pictures on with it and I've uploaded some as well.

HERE'S MY FIRST ATTEMPT (when I thought it was really difficult and I had no idea how to use it) :

It's not as good as my second one... probably cause it's note very colourful... *sigh* I must blog more! Urge to HAVE to beat old ICT teacher at blogging...
Anyway, I looked up other abstract picture creators but I couldn't find any when I found a person who had made a picture on the site and had ran it through an edge detector (which looked really cool...) Then I spent like... half an hour trying to find a free edge detector to find that there wasn't one and then I just put it into iphoto and enhanced the colours as well and rotating it into a portrait position.