Saturday, July 31, 2010


What's shakin' bacon?! .... Sooooo... >:U I can't stop thinking that no one reads this... I need to tell people to go on it more... o3o . At the moment the internet's crashed so I'm typing this in a text editing programme.... 
So lately I've been trying to get into drama groups and all that stuff... at R.I. the drama group is called Starburst performers and the year 8's were in terms 1&2 and year 7's terms 3&4. I'm a year 7 so we've been doing auditions lately, I did mine on Friday. It was really scary! I have a phobia of singing in front of people... I don't know why... I mean... they're just people, and everyone said I sang well... I sang the song Naturally by Selena Gomez and after that we had to read a poem called "Wild Ideas" out of a school journal. Afterwards everyone said that I was shaking like crazy and now I'm worried I'm not going to get in... He probably won't let me in because he thinks I have really bad stage fright... which I don't! I don't mind being on stage (in the dark with the lights shining on me...) I don't feel judged or anything... Sort of... free-ish, I wish that the drama teacher could see that... I bet that heaps of my friends will get in and I'll be really sad when I don't... Helena's definitely going to get in because she is a soloist for choir so she sang on of her choir solos for the auditions... plus that the drama teacher asked her to sing more... she's definitely in! I don't think I am though... But at least I am in one drama group... and I'm the lead! That's gotta be worth something... right? The play for my other drama class I do is called "Snow White and the Other Seven Dwarves"... you can kinda guess what part I am... Lots of my friends are in my drama class as well,  Bella's the cleaning dwarf (with a Yorkshire accent!), Kimberley's Penny-ochio (girl version on Pinnochio) as well as Prince number 3 (I don't kiss her!), Georgia's the Floor Manager (Good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to dwarf factor! You're in for a fun packed night tonight!) and Bridget is Doctor Dwarf (all your medical needs taken care of ;) ) My characters are Snow-White, Fairy Dwarf and 70's Dwarf.... I'm kinda worried about 70's dwarf though... Everyone says that Megan and Fiona (teachers) are planning to put me in an afro and have hippy clothes! Plus I have to do a dance routine... I wonder what song..... *shudder* For my fairy dwarf part I just have to walk on stage and walk off, which is easy enough... I just have to remember that I am number 997 (fairy dwarf) and number 1001 (70's dwarf) My costume for fairy dwarf is going to be a tutu or a very long dress and some platform shoes, I'm excited about all of my parts because they all have really cool costumes (I <3 costumes!) Last time I did a play for Act 1 drama class I was the nerd and for my costume I got to wear big harry potter glasses and have my hair curled... That was pretty cool... (It's fun wearing fake glasses!) I'm not sure what I'll look like in my snow white costume though... It's hard to tell... Maybe I'm going to be just normal with a dress on.... I'm not really sure... Megan and Fiona said my snow-white character wasn't as over the top as the other characters, which I sort of understand... Except I think my snow-white voice is pretty OTT how it is... I think we find out next wednesday - friday if we've got into starburst performers... Anyway... I think the internet working again... Bye byyyeeeee!
Wish me luck!