Sunday, August 1, 2010

Blog, Blog, Severus, Blog

*shudder* happy... clown week
Blogs... you just can't get enough of them can you? Nooo!!!!! T minus 10 seconds, 40 minutes and 12 hours till school! Nooooo!!!!!! >:U poohy... Sometimes I wish that I could magically make more weekends... *Google searches holidays for the 2nd of August* Hey! Lookie! We can have a holiday! August 2nd is officially ice cream sandwich day! We deserve a day off school for that! (it's also ice cream soda day...)
(except I have no ice cream and that I'm going to Jessica's house...) never mind...
And let's see.... today's holidays are... friendship day, international forgiveness day and sisters day.
August 1st:
International Friendship Day
Respect for Parents Day (he he... well...)
Sports Day (*whistle* *whistle*)

August 2nd:
National Ice Cream Sandwich Day (yummy!!!!)
Sea Serpent Day
National Ice Cream Soda Day (ice cream soda??? that's like a spider right??? I never never liked those...)

August 3rd:
National Watermelon Day

August 4th:
National Chocolate Chip Day (now this is just making me hungry...)

August 5th:
National Waffle Day (waffles? I love waffles...)
Neil Armstrong's Birthday (to infinity and beyond!... oh wait... *cough* huston, we have a problem...)

August 6th:
Wiggle your toes day (wiggle your toes?? okay!)
Odie's Birthday (garfield)

August 7th:
National Mustard Day (I don't think I've ever tried mustard...)
Sea Serpent Day (ssssssssssssslytherin and nessie the loch ness monster!)

August 8th:
Dollar Day

August 9th:
Betty Boop's Birthday
International Indigenous People Day
National Rice Pudding Day

August 10th:
S'Mores Day

August 11th:
Play in the Sand Day

August 12th:
Middle Children's Day

August 13th:
International Left-Handers Day

August 14th:
National Creamsicle Day (what in the world is a creamsicle?!)

August 15th:
National Relaxation Day

August 16th:
Roller Coaster Day

August 17th:
Archeology Day

August 18th:
Bad Poetry Day

August 19th:
Potato Day
Mr. Snuffleupagus's Birthday (sesame street)

August 20th:
National Radio Day

August 21st:
International Homeless Animals Day

August 22nd:
Be An Angel Day

August 23rd:
National Sponge Cake Day (best cake evar!!! I <3 spongecake!)

August 24th:
National Peach Pie Day
Strange Music Day

August 25th:
Kiss and Make Up Day
National Banana Split Day

August 26th:
National Dog Day
Women's Equality Day

August 27th:
nothing except someone called Mother Teresa's Birthday

August 28th:
Dream Day
National Cherry Turnover Day

August 29th:
urrmm... first scout camp opened?

August 30th:
National Toasted Marshmallow Day

August 31st:
National Trail Mix Day (I dunno what that is either...)

By national it means america... But who cares? I am still supporting :D