Saturday, May 1, 2010

Yo!!! Hi!!!! whazz up?!!!!

I haven't done an "informal-ish" post in aaaggggeeessss so ummm... yeah! Elmo didn't dress up last October... y'know, too much annoying-ness having to not do anything with my hand... At camp my new friend Helena from my new class, Room 15 thinks it is AMAZING that I can talk in chipmunk, Elmo is sooo flattered!!! :D Like... NO ONE in my WHOLE class has an email and it is like... annoying. I mean, who wants parents of their friends reading their private personal blog??? Not me... I know it's a bit late cause I'm in term 2 buuutt... I have to tell you guys about my new class and stuff... I'm in room 15, (I told u that b4), My teacher is Miss Laxon, and she is actually related to my music teacher at my old school Victoria avenue school! They are cousins! I did now expect that... I think I got the best teacher but the noisiest class! All of the teachers for our tech classes are like, shocked about how loud we are! I don't think the art teacher can handle it :P! Gotta go, Going somewhere, bye!