Saturday, October 30, 2010

Halloween! owo

Today is halloweennn!!!!!! Horrah!!! Last year I made up a costume for elmo and now I'm not sure what he should dress up as.. I think I might dress him up as a Shtriga from supernatural - a more simple costume......AND NOW.... I present... the exclusive halloween layout for my blog! Yaay! Since no one actually reads my blog I guess that now one will see this but... whatever... I'll just talk to myself for the meantime... Anyway.. I hope you've been watching supernatural! XDD DO. IT. You know you want to... I wasn't allowed to do a big halloween party this year cause of renovations and stuff.. I could only invite Jessica and Debbie and not Lily even though I play with her like.. everyday :( I also couldn't invite Kimberley and Georgia and Bella... which sucks.. Oh and my costume? I'm probably going to be a dæmon from supernatural... probably a cross-roads dæmon.. I'll send a pic l8er..