Friday, June 11, 2010

I finally won cluedo!!!!!!

Ihaven't been over for aaagggeeess so ummmmm.... yeah... Cause everything's been so busy. So um, here's what happened today and yesterday.... Okay, so yesterday morning was like.. "today is going to be the worst day EVER" because we have math everyday, the day before the teacher said that we would be having a science test that day, we also have P.E. (nooo!) on friday + we have technology (music) where I forgot to do my homework and the music teacher gets really mad when people don't do the right things! DOUBLE PLUS : I have to go baaaaack to music class for choir at 2:00.. brb Izzy's getting her movie, seeya! I am back! Anyway... somehow I got through that day.... and after school it was raining and I had to wait for granny to pick me up. Then we went back to my house and got me and izzy's bags then left for Sandspit. The car trip was longer than usual because of the traffic. Then when we finally got to Sandspit it was dark, since there were heaps of people going to a place called "Camp Benson" we went on the big ferry instead of a water taxi. Camp Benson is all the way in North Cove and my grandparents house is in South Cove so the boat trip was going to take 1 hour! There were no seats left on the boat by themselves so we had to sit with a guy and his son. When we FINALLY got to my grandparents house it was VERY late. Then we had some food and went to bed. The next day we made some stuff. Izzy made an invention which hangs jewelry and I made a stage so we could make a show called "Has Your Puffball Got Talent?" (puffballs are like dolls that me and my sister play with) . Then my sister played teachers with granny (granny was the student) and now its dark already! We just had Izzy's choice of game which was Cluedo and I WON! I was professor plum... Because yesterday I missed out on having a game and a mmovie today we get 2 games and 2 movies. At the moment my sister is watching her movie, she chose "Phocohontas III (roman numerals!) : The return of John Smith" It's a really old movie and it's a kids one so I really don't mind not watching it and typing this... It's got really weird animation and really cheesy plot line (worse than barbie movies....) at the moment this is what I here "Oh John! John! No! Save me!" ... Is that the best they could do? And the music was better than the movie, oh no, I'm ranting again because I don't know what to talk about... Anyway... what should I do now.... hmm....