Wednesday, November 3, 2010


So.. me and my friends have this band... I think the people in it are Jessica (strings and back up vocals), Lily (I think she'd gonna help me with lyrics but I MADE THIS SONG :) ), Rachel (guitar and vocals) and don't forget me!!! I'm awesome too!! Anyway I was sort of inspired to make this song by a certain TV show.. *cough* *cough* BUT this song isn't actually about that so yeah.. I came up with the name of the band ;D Anyway the song is pretty much about how normal everything is and how it would be better with a little bit of magic XDD Btw COPPPYYRIGHT 2010!!!!!! =w= no stealing mah song, I might give the chords later maybe.. I need to ask Rachel about it and figure out some stuff with Jessica... and be bothered to ask Lily if she's gonna be writing lyrics anymore... WITHOUT FURTHER ADO THE SONG!! btw I made it pretty with lots of different fonts on pages :D.