Monday, November 15, 2010

Moar Memes! o3o

Turn around … is that a tail I see? Sure enough, you’ve got a tail. In fact, we’ve all got tails today! So tell us, what kind of tail do you have?
My tail is... Um... a big fluffy squirrel tail! With brown and white streaks!

Take three deep breaths, and now hold it for as long as you can. How long can you hold it for?
51 seconds! WOOHOO!!!!!! YAH BABAY!!!

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
A whole lot of chucking wood.. (*drums and cymbals*)

Guess what, your blog needs to jump the shark! Readers will come by the dozens to read what you’ve done! How will you jump the shark on your blog?
Actually jump a shark! Maybe... Or do an elmo show.. NO. #2.. but I'm too lazy to do that...

What’s more fun than a barrel full of monkeys?
A barrel full of wonderful.. wonderful ipads :'D

If you could come up with a new term that would mean the same as “Google” what would it be?
Wumbo - duh, it'd be awesome! 
What's the most endangered animal in Iceland? 
Wumbo it!
What do you if your house is on fire?
Wumbo it!
What do you do if endangered animals are on fire in your house in Iceland?
Wumbo it!!!!

What do you find offensive that others might not?
When people say 'nevermind.. it wasn't important..' when they're about to say something! GRRR!!!

It never seems that we can eat all of our bananas before they go bad. How about you?
Me? I can eat all my bananas.. But thats just me.. but if they are ripe I won't eat them.. DARNIT... I WANT A BANANAAAAA!!!

Do you find South Park to be funny or stupid? Or both?
STUPID RETARDED STUPID.. did I mention stupid?

Bloggers are _________________.

So, tell us, what 3 things do you think of when I say “WOW”?
Good artwork
The guiness book of world records
Computer and video game programmers

What are you procrastinating doing?
My homework.... *whistle**whistle*

Do you think kids are assigned too much homework?

When was the last time you had to suck it up and just deal with the situation?
When I was on the phone.. with Jessica.. and she said nevermind.. I ALMOST EXPLODED

Would you rather clean the kitchen or the bathroom?

If you could be named after a song, which song would you choose?
Eye of the tiger :D
u: hey eye of the tiger!
me: sup yo!

Blogspot or WordPress?

If you had to could you direct a movie?
Yah babay! ^ ^

If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
Being able to move things without actually touching them.

If your personality was a ride at the amusement park, what ride would it be?
Colourful, Creative, and always dizzy :D

What is the perfect breakfast food?
Bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich with milo and passionfruit afterwards.

So, tell us, who did the “young you” like reading?
Rainbow Magic Series XDD

Are you going to see the Facebook movie: The Social Network?
Yes :D

What is the color of boredom?
Navy blue

Would I or wouldn't I...

  • Drink the last bit of milk?

  • Make a rolling stop through a stop sign in the middle of the night?

  • Use your turn signal when turning out of your driveway?

  • Hide a receipt from your significant other?

  • 1. I'd save it for a hot chocolate later...
    2. pardon...?
    3. Yeah
    4. If it was real bad..