Thursday, August 5, 2010


Happy National Waffle Day! (I need to try waffles... they sound yummeh...)
>:U stupid internet... Always crashing... Sorry if this blog is kinda rushed except I want to finish at least one blog for today, it's so hard doing a blog for everyday! I'm so busy! I was going to do a blog entry earlier except I sorta did a really HUGE RP with lily and this girl who I don't know off the internet called avel (or something...) RP = ROLE PLAY, It was a ultimo one.. I decided to make my OC (original character) evil cause that's fun. Except melay (avel's character) was a good dæmon and apparently that means she has infinite powers and whenever she did anything she would say something like "I don't feel anything!" or "Dæmon force field!" she also can fly and is the most powerful dæmon of death and her boss is lucifer (guardian of hell or something or other...) In the end we left the chat just after lucifer came and killed me by giving all his powers to his number 1 student melay... Okay... maybe that didn't happen... but it would've if we'd stayed longer.. It ended with lucifer coming into the room... Melay said that he was really mad and I was kinda confused because aren't dæmons from hell supposed to be evil??? like me?? I wish my internet was working! POOHY. 
Have a happy waffle-y day!!!
P.S. Don't you love when the a and e are connected?? XD æææ (option + speech marks)
P.P.S. Neil Armstrongs B'day!!!